All Android N Compatible HTC mobile list: Update android

Android N Compatible HTC mobile list 2016

Experience new android N mobile OS to your existing android mobile from HTC, when it will available publicly. As per Google announcement for the new upcoming 2016 android OS in Google I/O 2016 conference: Android N also called android Nougat. Data not fixed and from the rumors and past historical release of android, tech giants and experts expecting, android N will available in August 2016 with new Google Nexus release. In this article I discussed about what is the Android N Compatible HTC mobile list in 2016 (Existing or New).

People also called new android N as Android 7.0 version. Interesting new is that, for which device new android Nougat compatible. Best new android mobile in 2016 – 2017 from HTC, LG, Samsung, Huawei, and Xiaomi will launch with pre-installed Android N (Nougat).Android N Compatible HTC mobile list 2016

Officially Android N Compatible HTC mobile list: Update/ Install guide

New android N (Android Nougat or android 7.0) supported HTC mobiles are HTC 10, HTC One A9 and new latest HTC One M9. These all are the models can receive notification for android N.

Note: before start update your HTC mobile, please keep backup full data to your PC/ Laptop or an existing Hard Disk.

Official you will get android N on end of year 2016 (December 2016).

Steps to update HTC android with Android N (Android Nougat/ Android 7.0)

Right now Android Beta Public available for all but only for limited to google Nexus device, after Google N developer preview. From the report google N recently got many positive response and trust to public beta users. If you want it then go to the android beta programme and login with you gmail account, download and install public Bata to android.

Android N Beta compatible Devices are: Nexus 6, Pixel C, Nexus 9, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus Player, General Mobile 4G (Android One).

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