You people have lots of problem like: cannot download movie, TV reality show, song, music and also another contact from Google.
In your Android HTC, LG, Samsung, OnePlus, Motorola, Moto, Vivo, Oppo, Samsung Galaxy Device, Play store not downloading apps, game and other data.
You can’t open any app its take load and maybe it open, so crashes after open it.
If you have the problem with downloading apps and installing apps and other data, so please just try my tips and solve your problem. You people also take help to developer and device manufacturer. We present some tips for Google play store won’t open below:
Quick Tips to fix Apps Cannot download from Play Store on Android Mobile
Tips 1: Check your Wi-Fi and your android.
First, of fall check, strong internet connection have or not?
If it is best, then you connect Wi-Fi network.
If Wi-Fi network does not give work perfect, then make sure mobile data connection.
Then you people try downloading apps and game, etc. make strong internet and download pending in play store easily.
Tips 2: reset device on your android mobile
If you are not downloading and if download, then your data clear and the cache of Google play store so reset your device. Try below tips:
1: first press on setting > Backup & Reset.
2: Tap Reset option.
3: Tap OK and do conform.
4: press and wait for power off button (try resetting) your android mobile and solve your problem.
Tips 3: Data of the Google play store & clear and cache.
Remove your Google play store’s cache & data on your device and after installing the app again. This tip helps you solve your problem:
1: open setting menu.
2: in setting find apps & notification and also see all apps, tap it.
3: then scroll down and tap Google play store.
4: and after tap memory storage then clear cache.
5: tap clear data.
6: switch off the android phone and start.( now clear and clean your phone enjoy)
7: and now re-open Google play store and download and install again.
Tips 4: Check storage
If you’re mobile, have no enough space. And cant download apps from app store. And unfortunately, Google play store has stopped. So we give some tips follow it. You have lots of videos, games, songs, and photos on your device, its use more memory on your device. So please check how much it uses. And then check your android mobile enough space. If memory not enough on your device so delete some video, movie and clear memory then download otherwise save your downloading file on your SD card.
Go to setting and check storage.
Tips 5: Update your OS
This App is upgraded and compatible with new Android version. Check and Update Android OS to the latest version.
1: Go to the Settings app android.
2: Next, Follow About > Tap on Software Update.
Now, Tap on Check Now
Tips 6: Delete Unused all apps
An untrusted or unused app might be creating the problem like this. Most of the time, this issues causing because of brightness app, that auto-manage your mobile’s screen brightness.
Installing or using Antivirus software.
Extra Note
Are you getting Play Store won’t Open, Downloading the app and Other issues after updating new updates on your android. You can downgrade android version.
Disable or Enable Auto Update Android Apps on Play Store.
Write for us in the comment below, which tips are helpful to fix android app not downloading on app store.