How to Change or Add Email Signature in windows 10 Mail app

6 Add Email Signature in windows 10 Set text signature in mail

Email signature is essential for all business and professional use. Without any worry and Forgot for single mail you can automatically add Email signature in windows 10 mail app. More useful settings related to windows mail app email signature are very useful. If you are using mail app windows 10 desktop/ laptop or mobile phone then we can update “Sent from Mail for windows 10”. As a signature you can add your name, Wishing message, Personal Blog URL, Facebook or Twitter profile.

Unfortunately, this windows 10 mail app don’t allow to put Email signature picture or image/ company Logo. Steps and Format settings are same as also in windows 10 mobile phone.

Steps for Change or Add Email Signature in windows 10 Laptop or Desktop

1: Search mail app from windows 10 search box. If you not find then search in windows 10 app store.

1 Mail app on windows 10

2: Open mail App on Laptop/ Desktop or Phone. Go to the Settings (Gear settings icon).

5 Change signature in windows 10 laptop or dekstop

3: From the right pane, Click on “Signature”.

6 Add Email Signature in windows 10 Set text signature in mail

4: Next, You will see Signature related settings, Like Set different signature for different mail account. Choose it from dropdown menu and add text. (if you added more mail account)

Otherwise, select checkbox for “Apply to all accounts”.

Turn off signature for all account, Disable toggle under Use an email signature.

Such a great and Very useful settings for signature in windows 10 mail app just like other mail app experience.

7 Turn off Mail signature on windows 10 mail app

Extra Dose: If you are using Outlook as a windows 10 mail app alternatives, Then Go to the File > Options > Mail > Signature under compose Mails section. There is a dedicated signature creation tools for beautiful format.

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