How to clean windows 10 and increase speed on PC/ Laptop

Clean windows 10 and increase speed

After long time, hundreds of third party software installed, Use frequently your PC or Laptop running on windows 10. Are you feeling unhealthy experience on some kinds like speed, High battery consumption, Low storage space or Showing kinds of error on screen. Fix your entire problem by clean windows 10 and increase speed/ Performance and user friendly all time officially from control panel. Option for cleaning windows machine is not too popular like Mac storage optimization.

Here I discussed how you can clean/ Repair windows system and Prevent from reinstall or Format your old windows Copy.

Are you running old windows version want to upgrade with windows 10. That’s right decision for you, just go for with it.

Very important Note: Don’t miss to take back up all the important file to external drive, Because this option will erase forcefully all the files/ Folders at all.

Steps for Clean windows 10 and Increase Speed/ Performance

First, From your screen tap on Start button at bottom right screen.

Second, Go with the Settings > Update & Security > Recovery.

Next Screen Will show list of different option related to all the settings. From the Right pane click on Recovery option.

At last option link “Learn how to start fresh with clean installation of windows”.


This link will be navigate to Microsoft web through Browser. Scroll down webpage in browser and Under Start Fresh > Click on Download tool now button.

Download Fill with be downloading at first then Double click on “RefreshWindowsTool” file.


Get more about this tools and Direct Download option at here also.

Setup will be start automatically by press on start button.

Clean windows 10 and increase speed

Give your PC fresh start please choose second option, it will be delete all the files, Settings and Apps. It will take longer time to download approx 3GB file to drive.

In Between your PC/ Laptop might be restarting several time. Wait for final message.

Note: Now you will see your Windows 10 fresh look, just like new bout or ready for sell.

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