How to download the Android P beta right now

android P beta Download and insatll

Wow! Finally, Android P is our hand. So you can upgrade early your mobile android version. Android P beta is available for android phone:  Samsung, Vivo X21, Moto, Oneplus 6, LG, Lenovo, Google pixel, Sony Xperia, HTC, Nokia 7 plus, BlackBerry, Asus, Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Honor 10, Huawei and essential phone. So, can download Android P on your Android device.

Here we guide how to sign Android P. and get the first release the software as soon as possible. Android beta limited only Google’s own Android phone. First, take you back up and after download Android P.

android P beta Download and insatll

 Download Android Devic

here we give some step follow it and teach how to upgrade your Android device.

Know the Risks

Some important detail, whenever you download Android P that time first take some Data because in this process your data will be the loss. Also, when you people using Android P that time hope to encounter at few gremlins. That all points of software build.

So, carefully download Android P. here some core features so, not fix your Android mobile give work best or not.

For compatible Device

If you want to download Android beta so first double-check your Android device will be predict. Now you people sign up the Android beta P.

Follow google website link, here you can see which device are eligible.

Now you easily sign up Android P. if you are not part of Android Beta so you miss that so, fast Download and install it. Because it’s an essential part of your mobile.

Wait for it to Land

Now you will wait update your mobile, when you are download it official release that not give work same way. Whenever you get the notification telling it’s compilate.

Now you can get the update and so you will download it and enjoy with various features of Android P beta.

Check your smartphone for the latest update, you can go mobile setting and go to system, then about phone and look built number. If it is Android P so, this built number start with PPP number.

Congratulations your device able to download Android P beta. So here follows step.

Setting > system update > about phone > built number > update new version Android beta P.

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