Enable/Disable Emergency SOS on OnePlus Nord Mobile

Enable Emergency SOS On OnePlus Nord mobile (1)

Emergency SOS on each smartphone is a very essential part of the security feature. Using this SOS service can quickly and Easily send the notification to your Near and Dear friends and family via Call and Message at once. We don’t have to unlock or Touch on our mobile to send the alert.

Enable Emergency SOS On OnePlus Nord mobile (1)

Enable Emergency SOS On OnePlus Nord mobile (1)

Follow the steps below for Enable Emergency SOS on OnePlus Nord mobile

  1. Open The Settings app on your OnePlus mobile from the notification center, Swipe down the finder and Tap on the notification gear icon.
  2. Now, Scroll to Security & Lock Screen Option.
  3. Then, Go with the EMERGENCY Rescue.
  4. the First option is to Edit Emergency information and Contacts. We can update EMERGENCY CONTACTS Details from this option.
  5. the SECOND Option is the Power button for QUICK SOS. Here you can Disable or Enable SOS on your mobile.

– Quickly press the power button 3 times, Next option is Quickly Press the power button 5 times.

And The Third Option is “Preferred SOS Action“.

That’s it.

Hope you are using Emergency SOS to handle critical situations in near future. Write back us on comment for more help.

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