Steps for Enable/ Disable Windows 10 update, Auto updates: PC or Laptop

Know alternate ways for turn on or Turn off windows update. Windows running or start new update automatically in the background. That causing issue related to unable to shutdown and taking a time to complete update and install, the auto update also slows down internet browsing speed and laptop or Desktop performance. Sometime after complete the update we need to restart.

Windows Update not only effects on your system experience but also slow down internet connection at the office or home computers and mobile devices. at that point, we need to check it manually once after install new Windows 10 on any system at first.

and the Cons or advance benefits for enable automatic updates windows 10 is that, it helps to optimize speed and performances all the time. Last time I got the amazing fix on WiFi not working, Security update is more important for all users. SO I recommended to turn on automatic updates in Windows 10.

2 Updates Are available in windows 10

Ways to manage, Disable/ Enable windows 10 updates: Laptop or PC

1. Check New updates manually

For check new updates in Windows 10, Go to the Settings > Updates & Security.

Under updated & Security, First is Update status (Checking for Updates…)

1 check for updates windows on Laptop or PC

Also, we can manage or turn off automatic updates windows

Get regular updates on your windows system, using below settings. Otherwise, we can turn off all the time manually.

Go to the Settings > Update & Security > Advance Options

3 Choose how updates are get

Find, Choose how updates are delivered and Disable toggle off.

4 Turn off auto updates in windows 10

Enable toggle on, To get new Microsoft updates for Apps and Software.

2. Force Stop Windows Update service

As we find, we can stop windows update using below steps, in alternate ways.

Using Administrative tools we can manage (Start or Stop) update service from control panel settings.

Go to the Control Panel > Administrative Tools.

5 Stop windows update service in windows 10 PC or Laptop

Find Service by scroll down on the screen, Right click on it and Click on Stop.

Other options also there for set schedule time, for that interval we can allow permission to restart or interrupt our work only. As we know to install update we need to reboot the system.

Get more technical tips on windows in below article,

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