ERR_CONNECTION_RESET, ERR_CONNECTION_RESET in Chrome, ERR_CONNECTION_RESET in Mozilla: is related to network issue that’s sow many time while we browse on internet from Chrome, Mozilla or IE. Refresh connection and unlock any connection using different method. here we will check some manual settings and Also check Experiments some blocked port by antivirus or Firewall that pre-installed in windows system. Windows 10, Windows 7 or windows 8.
Fixed: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET in windows – Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7
Run Windows MTU command
First off all you need to check your laptop or Desktop running on Wireless or Ethernet network.
1: Go to the Start Menu > type “Run” in search.
2: Next, Type “ncpa.cpl” command – To open Network sharing windows.
3: Here, you can see Wireless Networks or Broadband if you are connected.
Now, it’s confirmed your Windows PC or Laptop System connected with Wireless network or Broadband.
Now, Go to Run > Cmd > Ok
In command prompt windows: type below commands.
For Wireless connection,
netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface “Wireless Network Connection” mtu=1472 store=persistent
For Ethernet Broadband connection,
netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface “Local Area Connection” mtu=1472 store=persistent
Netsh Winsock reset
Run “Netsh Winsock reset” inside command prompt.
Go to Start menu > CMD > Right click in search result CMD and Go to Run as administrator.
Type, Netsh Winsock reset then press enter.
It’s done.
Stop Scanning or Disable Antivirus Protection
Your System installed windows 10, then stop or disable antivirus protection “Windows Defender” for test and find the problem: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET, it’s blocking any port.
Open Windows Defender, Settings.
Disable Real time protection, Cloud Based protection.
Use internet proxy settings
Go to the Start menu > Control Panel > Internet Options.
In Pop up windows, Go to Internet Option, Go to the Connection > LAN Settings.
Uncheck, Use a Proxy server for this connection.
Apply, Press Ok.
Clear Browsing Settings and History
Manage internet browser history, Type “chrome://history/” in Chrome browser.
Clear Browsing Data.
Check “Empty the cache” & “Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data”.