How to Fix ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome: Windows 10/7/8

For the Chrome or Mozilla Browser this things happens because of third-party extension installed and some adware also. Now what to do? most of the web search going on SSL for the security reason in the trust factor for the user experience. This site can’t provide a Secure connection and Send an invalid response, Error code: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR with Blue Reload button, has few specific solutions but you can try one by one and get instant result in your chrome browser depends on your problem where you are stuck on.

Most common affected websites are Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Linked In and Other that configured or access on HTTPS only.

ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Google Chrome windows PC or laptop

Troubleshooting Guide on Fix ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome

Check a System host file

host file is a system file for the Windows system. That we can update if you are administrator. Go to the path below under C:Drive.

Right click on the host file > Click Properties.

system Host file in windows 10

Under the property go to the security tab.

Enable Permission for Host file on windows

Click on System under Group & User Names list,

Then, Click on Edit, And Enable permission and Denny all from checkbox.

2 Allow full control and for host file

Save settings.

clear SSL state

Too many wrong cache files for SSL website store in your Browser cache or System many be cause of issue on ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. Clear it using below steps

Open control penal on system > Network and Sharing

3 Network and sharing center in windows

Now Click on internet option from bottom left screen,

4 internet option in Windows settings

Now, Click on Content > Clear SSL State.

5 Clear SSL Status in WIndows internet settings


Disable Quick Protocol from Browser

Open new tab in chrome, Tyep below in address bar.


Disable choose from drop down and save the settings. Check and still not fixed: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR, go with next step.

6 Disable Experimental QUIC protocol

Change Privacy level in Internet

Go to control panel > Network and Sharing Center.

Find Internet Options > Under Security > Set Privacy at low level.

7 Change Security level

Disable or Delete Third-Party Extensions

Go to : chrome://extensions/ in Chrome browser.

Unchecked all third-party extension and Delete all.

Restart your system for make effective changes in whole system. Try in chrome browser and not working then go with next steps.

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