WiFi is the most powerful interface for access internet on our windows system. now, what to do if WiFi not connecting or Disconnecting over time automatically. Some users are experiencing no Wi-Fi after Windows 10 update as well. So Here is the quick guide on how to check and find the problems on WiFi not working correctly or no internet access over the air.
Steps for Wi-Fi not working on Windows 10 Laptop or PC
1. Turn on Airplane Mode and Disable
Airplane mode auto restart or close all type of network connection on screen and background process as well. Airplane mode doesn’t remove all the saved network details. So try this. To turn on Airplane mode,
Go to the bottom right corner of the screen, Find Airplane mode and click on it to turn it.
Also, you can start from the control panel or Cortana search bar options.
2. Open Network Troubleshooter
This is a simple step for auto diagnose problems related to WiFi (Hardware or Software). Click on the Start Menu > Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Network Troubleshooter > Change your network settings.
3. Disconnect or Reconnect WiFi network
Turn off or Disconnect WiFi network showing in WiFi network panel. This helps to if you see yellow triangle icon on WiFi icon at the bottom status bar.
4. Reset Network: Settings and Data
Go to the WiFi settings on windows. (After change WiFi password not connecting to Router)
Next, Find status from side pane and Click on Network Reset.
That’s it.
5. Restart or Reboot windows system then check if the network is available or not?
6. Update Network Adapter Driver
We need up-to-date Windows 10 wifi driver from the network profile.
Type Device Manager in App search box > Open Device Manager.
Under the device manager, > Find Networks Adapters.
Right, click on it then select Update Driver > Search automatically for updated driver software > Wait for complete process and Finally click on close.
Are you unable to download or Search driver for update online? So find driver copy on your Windows Laptop or Desktop. Browse it and Find the folder where copy saved.
Follow the steps for install the driver and close.
7. Turn off or Disable Firewall or antivirus software
Open a command prompt from the Search box. right click on it and Open run as an administrator > yes.
Inside the command prompts > Enter “netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off” Next press enter.
Turn on firewall from command prompts, type “netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on”.
8: Problem with other devices to connect to WiFi
Check for Router or model used for WiFi range extend or anything. Reset it and check try to connect your WiFi network.
Above all are the troubleshooting tips for the problems of different kind of WiFi issues (Windows 10 no internet secured or Disconnecting anytime).