Samsung Galaxy S20/S20Plus/S20 Ultra has come with12GB RAM. so here no worry about more store of application. because this is enough memory to keep several apps. guys, galaxy device has one best opportunity and best new features that you can keep an app permanently running in the background on the Galaxy. Whether it’s Email service, News app, Music App, Tv Show, Whastapp, Bussiness app and any other app that you want much time in the day. but you keep can only one app in the background. here we share with you tips on how to How To Enable/Keep An App Permanently Running In The Background On The Galaxy S20/S20Plus/S20 Ultra.
Turn On An App Always Running In The Background On Samsung ANdroid device: Keep an app always running in the background its best features, An app that you need to open once in the background will not need to be opened and will save you time. mostly on the app no more eat and cant more battery drain. but, don’t miss to see the battery level. let’s see how to do it and use it.
Keep an App Permanently Running in The Background: Samsung Galaxy
Follow the below step and set one app that always runs in your device background.
Note: You can Only One App choose to always run in the background.
- To lock the App, That App Must be open on your Mobile in Backgroud, That we can view in the Recent App. Swipe up your Finger to View Opened the app and Running in Backgroud that you want Enable for Running Background.
- Tap on App iCon that will appear on the Recent App Preview screen.
- Tap On the Option Keep open for quick launching.
- That’s it, Now, You can keep always app in the background. and if you want to start a new app so remove the running app and after do the above the same step and keep a new app again. and if need to clear the memory so tap lock icon that bottom of the app.
That’s it. use the above steps and fix How To Enable/Keep An App Permanently Running In The Background On The Galaxy S20/S20Plus/S20 Ultra. Share it with your friends and family. have a nice day. keep reading our tips for the good health of your android device.