Interesting things about Louis Vuitton scarves

fake dnm scarf

Hello friends, hope our posts helped you in differentiating between fake and original Louis Vuitton items; you have used the pointers that we mentioned in our posts in order to purchase real items. Don’t be fooled with cheap china made Louis Vuitton look alike products.

Accessories that people purchase is Louis Vuitton scarves. Women purchases scarves as there status symbol. There are high chances that scarves purchased online might be fake because it is very easy to replicate these accessories as there are very low pointers to differentiate.

Differentiate between original and fake Louis Vuitton scarf:

If you see tags of Louis Vuitton scarf than you will notice that it only has two or four stitching at corner of tags. It is because of the reason that it will be easy to pluck it out if you are not comfortable with tags without damaging the scarf. Only two stitching is done on the edges of tags. You can see in the below image the authentic Louis vuitton scarf tag.

louis vuitton original scarf

Fake Louis vuitton will come with tags fully stitched on scarf. You cannot pluck it out without damaging the scarf. Stitching will be easily visible on the sides of the scarf, if you can identify the stitches at sides than the item is surely not authentic. Below image shows the tag of unauthentic scarf.

fake louis vuitton scarf

DNM Louis Vuitton scarves that are not actually manufactured.

Louis Vuitton has never manufactured scarf in black or brown with golden monogram on it. This type of scarf never hit the market. Louis Vuitton never manufactured scarf with golden logo on it. Following image shows the fake scarf that was not manufactured by Louis Vuitton.

fake dnm scarf

In our next post we will describe points related to Louis Vuitton tie. How can you differentiate between original and fake tie. Hope that will also help you in future. If you like our post and thinks that information is useful then please write to us for any query.

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