Louis Vuitton is a wee reputed and costly brand which is famous for its leather goods, most celebrities uses it and we have often seen them on TV and reality shows using this brand. Handbags, belts, wallets, shoes, and many more items are produced by this high end brand. We have already seen the pointers for handbags that counterfeiters uses and make replica items. Hope you have gone through previous articles about handbags and it might helped you to identify fake items.
In this article we will discuss about pointers that will distinguish real and fake Louis Vuitton damier pattern belt. Damier pattern belt will cost you around $450, so if you see new belt having price less than $350 then there are high chances that item is fake.
Also Read: Identify Manufacturing Date/ Year from date code of Louis vuitton bag
Pointers to verify whether item is genuine or fake:
You can apply the previously discussed points of bags such as date code and damier pattern point of nine squares between the Louis vuitton trademark.
The points that you must notice in Louis vuitton belt is that the second square must contain the Louis vuitton trademark logo in damier pattern belt. If you see the below image, it shows the genuine belt which has Louis vuitton written in the second box after the ending of the LV buckle.
If ther is no logo on the second box or logo present on first or third box then item is 100% replica. There are chances that you will find second box empty which will clearly indicates item is not genuine.
One more point you can see that L and V must make parallel line, if they are not parallel than item is duplicate. You can see in below image how it will make parallel lines. Yellow lines show that it is parallel to each other.
If you like our post and thinks that information is useful then please write to us for any query. If you want to purchase Louis Vuitton bag than you can show us the images and we will surely tell you whether its real and Identify Fake Louis Vuitton handbags for you.