Netflix: How To Change Password


Netflix 2019

are you want to change Netflix account password. here we share with you Where To Change Your Netflix Password. netflix give to permission to use single, double or four devices, but its depend on your plan.some time you forget your mobile your friend’s room and he accesses my Netflix account, so now you want to change Netflix password. here we share with you how to change the Netflix password. You can use to Netflix on Apple Tv, Android Tv, Android Mobile, iPhone, iPod, Tablet, iOS device, OS device, and browser. let’s see how to change the Netflix password.

you would like to know that your password is stolen, you want to change passwords. use our article and get information How To Change Password on Netflix 2019. here we share with you two methods: How to change password From Desktop Browser and How to change password From iOS & Android App.

Change Netflix Password

Method 1: How to change password From iOS & Android App.

Step 1: Open Netflix application.

open Netflix app

Step 2: You can see an upper-left corner of the screen three verticle line menu option.

Step 3: Tap Menu option.

tap menu option

Step 4: Tap account option.

tap Account

Step 5: Tap Change password.


Step 6: type Current password, new password and confirm a new password.

Step 7: Require all device to sign in again with a new password- check it.

Step 8: Select Save.

Method 2: How to change password From Desktop Browser

Step 1: Login to Netflix and account holder’s name is selected in the upper-right corner of the display.

Step 2: Click over your name in the upper-right corner.

Step 3: Choose Your Account.

Step 4: Tap Select Save.

Step 5: first type Current Password, then type New Password, and last again Confirm New Password“: type all.

Step 6: Require all device to sign in again with a new password.

Step 7: Select Save.

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