Fixed: Pokémon go crash on android mobile: Troubleshooting

Pokémon go crash on android mobile

The crazyiest augment reality game forever in Google play store. Now most of the iOS and Android users installed Pokémon Go on device. Billions of people are live on game at any moment, these are the reasons for Pokémon go crash on android mobile or Tablets, GPS Problems, Pokémon Go battery Draining, Pokémon Go Freeze on Battle also check it here how we can fix, found from most possibilities and Troubleshooting guide.

Pokémon Go not available in country play store, Still You can install Pokémon Go from play store. Or direct download Pokémon Go apk in android.

Fixed: Reasons for Pokémon go crash on android Mobile/ Tablets

Pokémon go crash on android mobile

Pokémon Go not available for your Country and still are you running on device, if you know Pokémon Go is GPS based game, So on your Each moment Niantic developer catch your location and send request to you see other real time players around as a Pokémon’s, So you can easily catch it and get reward for upper level.

Also check your android version, because batter gaming experience you must run on Android 4.4 Kitket or later version. Go to the Settings > About > Software Updates.

Check your Wi-Fi connection or LTE data connect for your region, online game continuously requires network connectivity.

GPS signal not found

Turn of GPS services for device on which are you playing. Turn on or Recheck about location services. Or Don’t cheat on GPS location. Also, you can try with High accuracy GPS mode.

Settings > Location > High Accuracy

Set android Location tack on high accuracy

Restart you device once

Simply restart you device that will refresh your mobile fully and will help to fix most of the problems.

Keep other app turn off

Other background app or Browser close completely on device, Because Pokémon go use most of the sources and required more memory to execute one screen user operations.

You might also like: Stop to access Google account from Pokémon go.

Really annoying and not fixed on anyhow, Post your problem on Niantic forum for directly connect and share with developers. Hope you find such helpful tips on Pokémon go crash on android; You have another guide then spread sharing with us on comment box.

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