How to Record Slow Motion Video On Galaxy Note 9

How to Record Slow Motion Video On Galaxy Note 9

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has a high-resolution camera and a powerful camera. Reduce full clarity result. If you are photos and video lover so its perfect mobile for you, because it has super slow motion features, use super slow motion features and you can quickly capture all your favorite moment without the miss. After playing it in slow motion and enjoy your favorite moment. You can record video fresher location and make it funny.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has all fantastic features, but it can record slow-motion video this is outstanding features. This is a really impressive part of the camera. Also, we can see Smartphone manufacturers will improve the slow-motion camera limit.

Samsung Galaxy notes 9 how to record slow-motion video.

Here we give you tips for how do you use the slow-motion camera mode on Samsung Galaxy Note 9. So follow it and made your world slow motion.

Step 1: open app menu.

Step 2: open the camera app on your smartphone.

Step 3: open camera app after swipe right side and Get super slow motion feature. Now you can select two activities manually or activated automatically.

Steps 4: here we can use manual mode so fast you need to tape record button to start recording a video. And take the right side and tap record slow-motion video.

Steps 5: in automatic mode when you tub record button that time you can see the square. If you want this motion, it detected inside the square automatically record slow-motion video in your mobile.

Step 6: when finished your slow motion video the recording appear in the photo gallery.

Now you know very well How to record slow motion video on Galaxy Note 8

Here we give you some tips during the record slow-motion video.

Tips 1: whenever you record the slow-motion video first make confirm you stay still.

Tips 2: be sure, when you record slow-motion video their perfect lighting

Tips 3: don’t need more long video because size will larger because of its slow motion.

This is best tips for Samsung Galaxy Note 9 users. Please share this post and enjoy slow-motion world through slow-motion video.

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