Now days we all have habit of using facebook, watsapp, tumblr, skype, and many other social media apps before going to sleep. A survey says 80% people use social media website before bed. At night mobile devices are not good for health, Blue light coming from devices affect our body and mind, and hence sleeping disorder takes place. This article is all about how you can reduce blue light of your mobile. Twitter app gives setting to use in after Enable Night mode in android mobile. More comfortably enjoy screen behavior after Reduce Blue Light on Android using below tips.
There are applications available in google play store that will reduce blue light on your android by balancing the light effect at night. These applications will emit light according to the surrounding you are using it. That means if you are using it in night, it will reduce the blue light effect, as it is not good for health at night time. Otherwise in day time it will increase blue light effect, as it is good for health and mind at day time.
The solution to reduce blue light on android:
There are many applications available free of cost in google play. Here we are going to tell you most effective and best applications to reduce blue light.
Twilight: It will filter blue light and convert it into pleasant red light. After evening it will filter the flux of blue light emitted by our mobile phones. It will reduce the color level of screen and makes it dim until your surrounding brightness is reached.
Blue light filter- night mode: This app reduces the opacity of your screen hence reducing the blue light effect. It can reduce it to more than 80%, which is very good for eyes at night time.
F.lux: The famous f.lux app which was available for windows is now available for your android mobile too. This app will reduce the flux of blue light and makes it environment friendly. Get how to Enable Blue light mode on Windows.
Finally just want to say that we all want a good and quality sleep, so not let these technology devices harm our health. Always use these applications to reduce blue light on android and keep your mind and body healthy.