Turn off/Enable Voice Notification on Android Mobile: OnePlus, Samsung Galaxy

Enable or Disable VOice Notification or Mail notification on android mobile

Here we share tips on Turn off/ Enable Voice notification on Android Mobile. by default when a missed call, text messages, mail, and other notifications there is notified you in the Google Voice app. it’s a good facility but some people dont like and feel disturbed. You find the notification annoying, you can turn off the sounds without fear of missing important instructions.

OnePlus and Samsung android devices are the best. their features are also good. but here people are disturbed voice notifications. check out given below solution and troubleshoot your issue. let’s see Turn off Voice notification on OnePlus, Samsung Galaxy.

Change Your Notifications Settings on OnePlus, Samsung Galaxy Android Mobile

Enable or Disable VOice Notification or Mail notification on android mobile

Enable or Disable VOice Notification or Mail notification on android mobile

  • 1. Tap and Open Voice App.
  • 2. Tap Three Horizontal Lines at the top of the upper side.
  • 3. Tap Setting icon.
  • 4. Tap Notification option under Messages, Calls, or Voicemail.
    1. Message notifications,
    2. Missed call notifications,
    3. Voicemail notifications.
  • 5. Tap On & Off.
  • 6. If you select ON, Follow under the setting.
    1. Importance: Tap & Select the imporatant level.
    2. Sound: Select Ring tone and Tap OK option.
    3. Vibrate: Turn OFF or ON.
    4. On the lock screen: Tap and then Select a content that you want to show.
    5. Show notification dot: TapTurn On or Off.
    6. Override Do Not Disturb: Turn Off or ON. Available if significance is set to High or Urgent.

Get an Email When You Miss a Call

1. Tap and Open Voice App.
2. Tap three horizontal lines at the top of the upper side.
3. Turn On getting email alerts for missed calls, under calls.

that’s it! use our article and fix Turn off/Enable Voice notification on Android Mobile: OnePlus, Samsung Galaxy.

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