We hope all above parts were helpful for you in identifying fake Louis vuitton bags. There are possibilities that bags you own or purchased from estate sale might be fake. So, before purchasing any bag from wholeseller or estate sale just go through our guidelines to identify genuine bags from Louis vuitton.
Many websites such as ebay sale used goods on site so our tips will be useful for friends who often use ebay to buy products online. When we talk about expensive items it is hard for us to believe item to be 100% genuine. Following are some more tips related to Louis vuitton handbags.
Also read: Eplica Louis Vuitton identification: plastic around handles, metals, pattern: Part 4
fake Louis Vuitton handbags pointers:
1: Louis vuitton mens wallet will always have one monogram logo on each side of wallet. Many counterfeits have two logos on one side of wallet. If you ever see Louis vuitton wallet with two LV written on one side the item is fake.
2: Louis vuitton handbags will never come with round tags attached to it. Only counterfeiters use these types of tags with their bags. Louis vuitton never manufactures such tags or accessories. It comes with white paper tags that has Louis vuitton written on it.
3: When you purchase any Louis vuitton item you must check its box. If you see sticker on box containing LV branding that it is a fake item. Louis vuitton never attach such stickers on box. Genuine box only contains stickers that have Louis vuitton written on them. It does not contain any co-branding or registered mark on sticker.
In our next post we will clarify more Louis vuitton points so that you will easily identify fake Louis Vuitton handbag. If you like our post and thinks that information is useful then please write to us for any query. If you want to purchase Louis Vuitton bag than you can show us the images and we will surely tell you whether its real and Identify Fake Louis Vuitton handbags for you.