2024’s How To Update Galaxy Buds (Plus) With Android, iPhone, PC/Mac: Check & Download Latest Software Update and install

Software Update on Samsung Galaxy Buds Without PC or Android mobile

Check out this tutorial for Alternate ways to Update Galaxy Buds, Galaxy Buds Plus on Android Mobile using App or Update Galaxy Buds Using PC or Software Update Galaxy Buds Without App or Android or From your iPhone (iOS Device). You need to keep your Galaxy Buds updated. To keep them working correctly. You need to check for updates at a regular interval of time. And if the update is available then update it. You can update your firmware with a mobile or PC.
To update your galaxy buds first, you need to make sure that your buds are charged so that they can work properly.

1. Insert the buds in their place in the charging case after that close the case. When you close the case, you will be able to see the battery indicator flashing, if you do not know that flashing of indicator then charge your device for at least 30 minutes.

2. After 30 minutes open the charging case and your buds will automatically enter in the pairing mode. If manually want to enter the pairing mode, then wear the buds and tap the touchpads of the earbuds.

So now the things are completed with the earbuds. Now let us how to update the firmware by using PC and mobile.

Software Update on Samsung Galaxy Buds Without PC or Android mobile

Software Update on Samsung Galaxy Buds Without PC or Android mobile

Alternate Ways to Download, Install New Galaxy Buds software Update

1. Update Galaxy Buds by Using PC, Without App and Mobile

If you want to update your buds through PC then firstly you need to download the Galaxy Buds Manager program in your PC. You can download this from the Samsung website.

Galaxy buds Download manage for Windows and Mac

Galaxy buds Download manage for Windows and Mac

After downloading Galaxy Buds Manager Follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Launch the Bluetooth function in your PC.
Step 2: In Bluetooth Click on Galaxy Buds option to connect it.
Step 3: Choose Check for update option.

Update Using Galaxy Buds Manager

Update Using Galaxy Buds Manager

Step 4: Check the current software version in your buds.

Check For Update for Galaxy Buds on PC

Check For Update for Galaxy Buds on PC

Step 5: If the update is available, then click on Download and install option.

And by this, your buds are updated.

2. Update Galaxy Buds by Using Android Mobile Without PC

By using the mobile, you can easily update your Galaxy Buds. In mobile, you need to download Galaxy Wearable App for updating the Buds. You can download this app from the Google Play Store.

Follow the steps given below to update your buds:

Step 1: Launch the Galaxy Wearable app.
Step 2:  In the app navigate and Click on About Galaxy Wearable App.

About Earbuds for Update Galaxy Buds

About Earbuds for Update Galaxy Buds

Step 3: And after that, click on Update option.
Step 4: If the update is available, then click on Download and install option.

3). How to Update Samsung Galaxy Buds With iPhone

We have Dedicated Samsung Galaxy Buds and galaxy Buds App for the iOS devices that we can download from App store. So we can download and installed the Latest Software update through the app running on your iPhone.

  1. Open Galaxy Buds App on your iPhone.
  2. Next, After paired Samsung Galaxy Buds with your iPhone, Scroll to the options “Earbuds Software Update“. Wait for the download and install on Galaxy Buds, Don’t Disconnect galaxy buds until software update on Galaxy bud.
  3. That’s it.
Reset or Factory Reset Galaxy Buds without Wearable app or Other mobile on iphone

Update Galaxy Buds without Wearable app or Another mobile on iphone

And by this, you can update your galaxy buds.

So this is the two ways by which you can update your Galaxy Buds.

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