OnePlus 6t is best android mobile. it has brilliant features in which one is best features that Alert slider. Alert Slider is the most unique and useful features. The alert slider is effective to quickly, vibration, silent or rings your OnePlus 6T Oxygen Os, using the corner button upper side on your OnePlus 6t screen. you people easily set media volume to use this button. als,o you can serch oneplus 6 alert slider settings under gesture and buttons settings on latest OnePlus 6t android 9.o Pie devices. so guys, go with our article and teach Alert silder customization. Ring, Vibrate, and Silent. help with the Alert Slider …
By default in OnePlus 6trepresentativee three main profile that silent, vibration and Ring. bt here one new features that alert slider is not just great that help to you change the profile behaviour. most of the people use to alert silder to handle their media volume. you can change quickly mute or silent or vibrate using volume down or volume up buttons with unlock your latest OnePlus 6 android 9 Pie devices. use the alert slider features and fast set silent or message notifications or mute call. follow our all step and use alert slider oneplus 6t.
How to use Alert slider in OnePlus 6T Android Pie.
here is the two process how to customize alert slider settings in OnePlus 6T 9.0 device.
Method 1: Use Alert slider in OnePlus 6T: Gestures settings and Buttons
Step 1: open the OnePlus 6t mobile screen.
Step 2: Tap Setting icon.
Step 3: Tap Gestures Ans Buttons.
here you can see more option: Navigation bar & gestures, Alert slider, quick gestures.
Step 4: Tap Alert slider.
More setting for Alert slider
Main Three Alert setting: (1) silent
(2) Ring
1. silent Alert setting: when you select a silent option, your oneeplus 6t call and notification will be silenced and except for alarm. (always ring)
2. Ring Alert setting: when set phone as ring volume, Calls and notifications will ring. and also turn on vibfation mode, automatically incoming call vibrate. so ring and vibrate both give work when phone call.
3. Vibrate Alert setting: when your start vibarte option, Calls and notifications will be silenced and set to vibrate, except for alarms (Always ring).
Methode 2: vibrate or mute OnePlus 6t Android 9.0
on your OnePlus 6t top right side in corner Alert Slider setting option. Tap alert slider button to silent and after a slide down button to middle to vibrate phone and last again slide down to set ring in OnePlus 6t.
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