How to Use T-Mobile Anti Scam Block calls feature: Scam & fraud calls

T-mobile roll-out new features called anti-scam blocking calls, once you navel this pictures on your Android mobile means your postpaid carrier line from T-Mobile t mobile automatically manage all the activities that cause the biggest cheat in the US network for different types of calls. To protect ours by turn on scam call blocking features on your Android mobile he doesn’t need to install any third party software or change settings from existing one.

Its biggest and the first time ever feature announce today by area in the US cellular network.  Hope that it will be soon available in other carrier companies like Sprint, AT&T, Verizon.

Scam Call Block in T-Mobile

Know All About, Use T-Mobile Anti Scam Block calls feature on Mobile

T-mobile officially releases this features – Scam ID and Scam Block, that user can activate under two Different techniques.  First is enables Scam ID on the network site.  Whenever you call to the number, T-mobile network automatically checks your dial number is the scam or not if yes then you will receive on your caller ID that’s a “Scam Likely“.

Anti-scam Call blocking feature available from 5th April 2017.

To enable and Anti-scam number blocking feature used the dialler code given below.

Enable Scam ID: #ONI# (#664#)

Enable Scam Block: #ONB# (#662#)

Disable Scam Block: #OFB# (#632#)

Check Scam Block status: #STS# (#787#)

Read More: Know LG G6 Price, Features and Specification.

In near future T-Mobile give 100% secure all types of fake activity. So the user can trust more and use feely own mobile.

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