Webpage showing Fixed “Aw, Snap!” page crashes on google chrome

Aw, Snap!" page crashes on google chrome on windows PC or Laptop

When your page is loading on Google chrome web browser, and you experienced Aw, Snap!” page crashes on Google chrome when you visit a page. Google set this message on below problem that’s we can fix own self. Internet geeks are aware and practiced on Web browser or Mobile web browser from iOS devices (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch) or Android mobile and Tablet. So what’s the reason we must fix.

If you are a webmaster then debug your website or remove unwanted code or plugin, or Update your platform.

Aw, Snap!" page crashes on google chrome on windows PC or Laptop

Steps For fix Aw, Snap!” page crashes on google chrome web or mobile browser

Check and Update your browser

Make sure about your browser running with latest version. Google automatically update your browser when you start it but not for the mobile or iOS web browser app (You need to update it manually from app store or play store). But sometime not to update see below screen of my chrome browser.

To check on PC or Laptop Go to the Chrome Menu (At top right corner of screen) > Help in drop down > About Google Chrome > Check for updateUpdate Google chrome on Windows PC or Laptop

After update completed, relaunch it and enjoy.

Reload webpage on browser

On web browser you have an option for reload whole page completely by press Reload icon at top on PC or Desktop.

For mobile tap on Menu icon > Tap on Reload iconReload Webpage on Browser

Close other tab: unused tab

Some webpage consume more memory space of your System, so close unwanted or unused websites. Or increase your system RAM configuration. (At least 2GB RAM required for windows 7/ windows 8/ windows 10)

Freeze System: Longer time in Ideal mode

Close all programmes running on your system running in background or ideal (not in used) for long time. Close your all programme and Restart your Laptop or PC.

Read: if you’re Chromebook users fix Aw snap error.

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Note: If you experienced more after many attempts, you can send feedback about (Aw, Snap!” page crashes on Google chrome) to Google through send feedback option available on screen.

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