Yummy Butter Chicken Recipe

butter chicken

Welcome to this page for Butter chicken recipe

butter chicken

butter chicken


Here we are to help you with easy and authentic food recipes to prepare for urself. These recipe will sure be a justice to your taste buds and will be a yummiest one for sure.
We will breif you fully about the ingredients with the exact quantity needed and the full method to prepare it. It is going to be a very easy recipe to be prepared in less than an hour.
Today we are going to show you the recipe of BUTTER CHICKEN, which is a very authentic dish, it is extremely yum which needs to be tried once for sure. Because of the
spices, the aroma and flavour in the dish will make you go mad. So lets start with it.



For marination:-

Boneless chicken- 500gm
Ginder & Garlic paste- 2 tsp
Red chilly powder- 1 tsp
Turmeric powder- 1/2 tsp
Corriander powder- 2 tsp
Cumin seeds powder- 2 tsp
Salt – According to taste.

Marinate for about 4 hours.

For Gravy:-

Butter- 3 tbsp
Cloves- a few
Cumin seeds- 1/2 tsp
Cinamon sticks- 1/4
Onion- 2 (finely chopped)
Tomato puree- 2 cup
Cashew nuts paste- 2 tsp
Red chilli powder- 1 tsp
Sugar (optional)
Cream & Corriander to garnish.


– Shallow fry the marrinated chicken in butter untill it cooks well, once it gets nicely cooked transfer it into another bowl.
– In the same pan you will need to add more butter & saute the chopped onions, put some cloves, cumin seeds & cinamon sticks into it, once the flavour gets blended together
than add tomato puree, cashew nuts paste, also add some salt, chilly powder & sugar to it, give a good mix to it.
– Once the gravy starts boiling and gets a bit thick add the chicken into it, mix it together & cook it for 15 to 20 minutes in a low flame.
– Put the butter chicken into a bowl, add some dallop of butter then garnish it with some milk cream & chopped corriander.

Your yummy butter chicken is ready.

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